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National Wellbeing Week


Sam talks about how Enrych took part in World Wellbeing Week 2022


World Wellbeing Week arrived and we wanted to use the opportunity in our ways to extend awareness about how the work we do at Enrych aims to promote good health and wellbeing. In current times with so much uncertain, looking after our wellbeing has never been more important.

We are a specialist in our own unique ways. The number of people we support whose wellbeing has increased is massive. This is hugely down to the work of our excellent PAs who are helping our clients and service users to gain new skills and hone existing talents. Our activity program is also as inclusive as it gets- we actively listen to the thoughts and opinions of those we serve to provide ample opportunity to make new friends and be independent in further fostering those friendships away from our events.

I personally see Enrych as one big family. Just recently, the pride I experience with 25 of us singing along to songs at our Boccia and Multisports sessions made me feel at peak wellbeing level. I also know that our newly formed choir had an amazing time recently recording a song with the very talented Loughborough Singers. It is so good to see our existing groups grow in numbers and the way everyone welcomes new faces also showcases how important the wellbeing of everyone is at Enrych.

One thing I love to do is turn someone from feeling sad or fed up into feeling happy and to feel they can focus their energy into the day. I recently enjoyed helping one of our staff who was going through a challenging time to put together a plan of how to get to a better place wellbeing wise. By the end of the day, this goal was achieved, and both of us ended up better for it. It makes me feel sad to see someone struggling or not feeling truly connected to the day in any form. The feeling is something a lot of people may have experienced, in particular the feeling of isolation that appears because of it.

Due to the uptake of courses linked to mental health and wellbeing within the office team, I feel very much in a safe environment and that anyone would make the effort to help me get to a good place mentally. I always look to return that favour. During our Boccia and Multisports sessions recently, I have helped new members of the group to integrate and to develop skills such as coordination, particularly with the Curling activity. This helped the new members to feel like they were in the best place to participate and get the most fun out of it. This is exactly what we want!

It goes without saying that those we support can still find it difficult to ease the anxieties brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing uncertainty this creates. Though the restrictions have eased now, there is still an element of caution I feel held by the general public. The main areas of concern for us to support our clients particularly in terms of wellbeing are fun, friendship and fitness. These ae all elements which are imperative to our overall health. A smile can cure so much I think. Our events and activities have great attendance, allowing for fun to be had by all and friendships to blossom. What I believe comes from this is better overall fitness both mentally and physically as we rebuild and further nurture the friendships which grew apart because of Covid. With our clients in mind, the feeling of connection is incredibly important as their independence as an individual grows and they become more confident. Join us in further advocating for fun, friendships and fitness in creating a better environment for people with disabilities and mental health challenges!


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